ENISA publishes new NCSS map at 7th NCSS workshop

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Today ENISA, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity published a new version of the National Cybersecurity Strategies (NCSS) map at the 7th National Cybersecurity Strategies workshop in Warsaw, Poland

During the workshop, ENISA also presented the preliminary results of a study about innovation in cybersecurity as a strategic priority of NCSS, which will be published later this year.

All Member States of the European Union produce a National Cybersecurity Strategy as a feature of their cybersecurity policy. These National Cybersecurity Strategies provide plans of actions and priorities to improve the security and resilience of national infrastructures and services.

Steve Purser, Head of Core Operations, ENISA said: “The cyber threat landscape is changing constantly and at a rapid pace. Member States cybersecurity strategies therefore need priorities and actions that reflect these challenges and the National Cybersecurity Strategies mapping provides guidance and best practices to follow.”

ENISA’s ROLE on the National Cybersecurity Strategies

ENISA analyses these strategies and their implementation and provides guidance and tools to assist Member States in in their efforts to enhance cybersecurity at a national level. A key support for Member States created by ENISA is the NCSS interactive map. This interactive map lists all the NCSS within the European Union together with best practices to follow.

Today, ENISA launched the new version of the NCSS map implementing features that greatly improve its usability. Not only has the map been expanded and the Agency has also transformed it into an information hub including Member States’ national efforts to enhance their cybersecurity.

The New Interactive Map – Information Hub

The new mapping includes:

  • The national document both in English and the native language
  •  The strategy's objectives and detailed examples of implementation
  •  Version history if there are more than one NCSS
  •  National cybersecurity organisations,
  •  National Information Sharing and Analysis Centres (ISACs) and Public Private Partnerships (PPPs)
  • R&D and Innovation programmes

Check out the new interactive map here.

All the information about the EU Member States can be added in a repository and can be extracted from the website. Finally, the map will now expand on the whole screen.

7th National Cybersecurity Strategies Workshop

The 7th National Cybersecurity workshop, organised by ENISA, was hosted by NASK Poland on 26th September in Warsaw.

The first session ‘Innovation in Cybersecurity’ focused on Member States' approaches and initiatives to foster innovation in cybersecurity at a national level. It included ENISA’s Vice Chair of the Management Board, Krzysztof Silicki, the Deputy Director for Cybersecurity and Innovation at NASK, who gave a welcoming speech. Karol Okoński, Secretary of State of the Polish Ministry of Digital Affairs, Government Plenipotentiary for Cybersecurity presented on NCSS and cybersecurity innovation in Poland

ENISA presented the draft conclusions of a study that focuses on innovation as a strategic objective of National Cyber Security Strategies, which will be published later this year. The presentation highlighted the importance of supporting and developing innovation strategic objectives within NCSS. Objectives that will focus on sector specific priorities, provision of adequate level of funding and the establishment of collaboration mechanisms that will involve key stakeholders.

The European Commission gave a presentation on the cybersecurity competence centres approaches and a second one on the Connecting Europe Facility call on ISACs.

 During the second session, EU Information Sharing and Analysis Centres (ISACs) from the Energy, Financial and Rail sectors shared their experience with the tools they use, good practices and the challenges they face when dealing with information sharing and collaboration. 

The link to the event page and agenda can be found here.


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